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Activated Charcoal herbs

Activated Charcoal herbs

Regular price GH₵65.00
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Activated charcoal is a potent natural treatment used to trap toxins and chemicals in the body. It works by trapping toxins, chemicals and other substances from the body. It works through the process of absorption. 

The charcoal’s porous texture has a negative electrical charge, which causes it to attract positively charged molecules, such as toxins and gases. This helps it trap toxins and chemicals in the gut. Because activated charcoal is not absorbed by your body, it can carry the toxins bound to its surface out of your body in feces. 

Its health benefits are;

  1. Used as an Emergency Poison Treatment: Thanks to its toxin-binding properties, activated charcoal has a variety of medical uses. For instance, activated charcoal is often used in cases of poisoning. That’s because it can bind a wide variety of drugs, reducing their effects. In humans, activated charcoal has been used as a poison antidote since the early 1800s. It may be used to treat prescription drugs overdoses, as well as overdoses of over-the-counter medications like aspirin, acetaminophen and sedatives. For instance, studies show that when a single dose of 50–100 grams of activated charcoal is taken within five minutes of drug ingestion, it may reduce drug absorption in adults by up to 74%.
  2. May Promote Kidney Function

  3. Reduces Symptoms of Fish Odor Syndrome: Activated charcoal may help reduce unpleasant odors in individuals suffering from trimethylaminuria (TMAU), also known as fish odor syndrome. TMAU is a genetic condition in which trimethylamine (TMA), a compound with an odor similar to that of rotting fish, accumulates in the body.

  4. May Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Its most well-known home uses include:

  • Gas reduction: Some studies report that activated charcoal may help reduce gas production following a gas-producing meal. It may also help improve the odor of gas. However, not all studies observed this benefit.
  • Water filtration: Activated charcoal is a popular way to reduce heavy metal and fluoride content in water. However, it doesn’t appear to be very effective at removing viruses, bacteria or hard water minerals.
  • Tooth whitening: Using activated charcoal to brush your teeth is anecdotally said to whiten them. It’s said to do so by absorbing plaque and other teeth-staining compounds. However, no studies could be found to support this claim.
  • Hangover prevention: Activated charcoal is sometimes used as a hangover cure. While consuming it with alcohol may reduce blood alcohol levels, its effects on hangovers haven’t been studied

To be used as part of a healthy lifestyle. For additional health and nutritional support call +233 (55) 355 6279 to speak to our Naturopath at LifeWellness Wholistic and Ayurveda Center. 

 Remember, the key to getting long-lasting benefits from any food, health products and services is to eat a balanced diet, have quality sleep, exercise, Allget good air and sunshine, hydrate appropriately and manage stress

  •    Note: All OneWithNature (OWN) products, are to be used as part of a healthy lifestyle. For additional health and nutritional support call +233(55) 355 6279 to speak to our Naturopath at LifeWellness Wholistic and Ayurveda Center.
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